Join the Tech Revolution with B.Tech CSE Programme

Apollo University


It sounds great; completing the 12th class causes butterflies in every student’s stomach. What are the best engineering specialisations after the 12th? Which engineering courses are simple and have the most potential? Some of these questions may have resulted in sleepless nights since students passed their first milestone, the 12th class exams. B Tech in Computer Science Engineering (B.Tech in CSE) is crucial in today’s world as it’s a tool for developing models for interaction between computers and people, as well as innovative devices and software.

B.Tech CSE is an expansive and important field in everyday life. The programme is designed to train students with the advanced skills, knowledge and practical experience needed to succeed in the rapidly increasing field.

On that note, hopping on the trend, below are the top five best reasons why pursuing this programme after the 12th is the wisest decision one can take:

  • Computer science professionals are in high demand.
  • Rapid technological developments and expansion.
  • Excellent work opportunities and great pay.
  • Versatility to work in a variety of professions.
  • A rewarding and influential career option.

B.Tech CSE Programme — An Overview

B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering is a full-time programme that trains students with the potential to analyse and check composite engineering problems and solve solutions through computing. The programme is a four-year course that imparts theoretical and practical knowledge of hardware and software.

In the B.Tech CSE course, the students are provided courses in some trending technologies like Data Science, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning. This enables them to know the future of computer technology and develop the necessary industry-needed skills. Given below are some of the skill sets necessary to excel in a career or higher education –

  • Problem-solving skills
  • Basics of machine learning
  • Analytical and critical thinking skills
  • Basic web development knowledge
  • Good programming skills
  • Strong data structures and algorithms skills
  • Basics of security, cryptography and vulnerabilities

B.Tech CSE course graduates work on everything from designing and redesigning computer systems to creating software tools that make people’s lives easier worldwide. Given below are some of the most in-demand jobs which most graduates want to take and want to become experts in –

  • System database administrators are responsible for overseeing and checking the security and performance of the database.
  • A software developer is responsible for installing, designing, maintaining and testing software on a computer.
  • The computer operator is responsible for maintaining check viruses, logbooks, and upgrading software.
  • A data warehouse analyst is responsible for analysing, mining, and helping the company leverage the important information stored in data warehouses.
  • Engineering support provides technical support and solves hardware, software and technical systems issues.

BTech CSE Subjects List

The BTech CSE subjects offer skill-oriented, imparting learners with the basic knowledge of various aspects of computer science over its 4-year course duration. In addition, this degree seeks to impart knowledge on increasing sustainable working models that operate on the planned integration of computing devices with technology to meet the operational requirements of the modern work environment.

Studying BTech CSE helps students to extend the theoretical foundation of the state-of-the-art growth of computing solutions. The BTech CSE subjects are different in most universities, and looking for syllabus cover wastes lots of time for students. But to give an idea to students following is the list of BTech CSE subjects–

BTech CSE Subjects for 1st Year — During this year, students will learn the basics of physical chemistry and biology digitally and learn more about the programme. Look at the points listed below –

  • Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
  • Quantum Physics and its Applications
  • Engineering Graphics and Drawing
  • Abstractions and Paradigms in Programming
  • Linear Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations

BTech CSE Subjects for 2nd Year — Students gain a broad knowledge about logic design, discrete structures, computer networks, and more are listed below.

  • Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Circuits
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • The Logic for Computer Science

BTech CSE Subjects for 3rd Year — In the third year, students will learn more about operating systems, Automata Theory, etc. Read more about the BTech CSE Subjects –

  • Computer Architecture
  • Database and Information Systems
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Implementation of Programming Languages

BTech CSE Subjects for 4th Year — In the programme’s fourth year, students know which specialisation they want to enter for higher education and jobs. Have a look-

  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Cryptography and Network Security
  • Machine Learning
  • Computer-Aided Geometric Design
  • Natural Language Programming

B Tech in Computer Science Fees Structure

The first thing students look for after knowing which course they want to take is they want to know B Tech in Computer Science fees structure. Every university has different tuition fees, including hostel, examination, extra activity, and fees.

To get admission to the course, students have to follow the step-by-step process below –

  • Visit the college’s official website.
  • Select your mode of paying B Tech in Computer Science fees (debit card, credit card, online, etc.).
  • Fill out the admission fees and collect the payment receipt.
  • The fees may vary from 5–25 lakh.

The B Tech in Computer Science programme has always been one of the most trendy and sought-after course choices among students. If aspirants fall into a category of people having a knack for technology, a BTech CSE is the perfect career option for you.



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